Strategic Plan 2023-2026
The mission of the Guilford Free Library is to nurture life-long learning and the reading interests of residents as well as serve as a center of cultural life for Guilford.
Goal 1: Improve accessibility of the space
Reimagine current space to enhance accessibility
Goal 2. Increase Physical Space: Years 1 through 3
Identify needs that will be served in a larger physical space
Pursue grant opportunities for expansion
Goal 3. Increase Programs for Young Children, Youth and Adults: Years 1 through 3
• Maintain a personal and welcoming atmosphere (for example, Storytime)
• Continue program outreach to diverse constituencies (children, seniors).
• Continue programming that connects Library and Guilford Central School
• Implement an author’s reading series
• Continue to increase and enrich summer camps reading series for grades K-4
• Increase tech programs for adults including how to use Catamount online catalogue
• Increase the Library’s collection and programming focused on local authors and writing
Goal 4. Build stronger connections with residents: Years 1 through 3
• Increase outreach to diverse constituencies
• Maintain and expand fundraising and public relations efforts
Goal 5. Implement succession plan for the Librarian: Years 1 through 2
Approved by the Board of Trustees January 2023